Monday, August 15, 2011

Full Moon Action!

     I like the August full moon ,on a memorable one in 2008 I caught 21 bass in a two hour frenzy of action. I was fishing soft plastics over a reef in the late afternoon and left the venue while the fish were still feeding hard  , I'd had my fill, the fishing was just too easy.
    Now my situation is different , I no longer fish only for my own personal enjoyment. There are other factors governing the decisions I make, including where I go and what techniques I use.
   Taking the easy option doesn't teach me anything new and also gone are the days when I can hammer a mark without caring whether it effects the territorial stock that may be present.
  Ofcourse I still love being on the coast trying to make sense of this fascinating fish and its habits but I'm looking at it from a different angle now.

On this years coinciding lunar event I spent an hour or two covering some new ground in the afternoon, it was tough going in the blustery conditions but was very satisfying when I acquainted myself with this 4lb fish ,taken over a likely looking reef, on a Komomo.
  Isn't it often the way how you stop concentrating and your mind drifts............. Then bang! all of a sudden the lurching rod and screeching drag shock you back to reality. This was one of those moments and was a nice reward for my efforts. Another mark , chalk it down.
 It was on a second outing under that big bright moon though that things really kicked off . I was getting  knocks on the shallow divers I was using , it may have been aggressive territorial behaviour, I'm not sure? Whatever it was they weren't biting the lures so I tried a rubber eel that I thought would induce a proper take and it didn't let me down.......first cast and this fish decided to have a go.

     The next hour was great and by roaming and fishing I took 9 more fish including a few that did take the hard plastics. One hit was after I let the plug sit static on the surface for over 20 seconds, the slightest of twitches and wallop!  I had a real tussle on my hands as this fish ran, paused, ran, paused and after another run it was a long way out and I was beginning to get concerned it might find a snag . I manged to apply enough pressure to force it up to the surface and after a lot of toing and froing I eventually brought my potential lunker in to the shore. Turned out to be a foul hooked 5lber and I had to laugh to myself ,what a scrap though.
    I left the area while the fish were still feeding hard and in no doubt that I would easily add to my tally . After a total of 11 fish for the day with a couple nudging the 6lb mark I was happy, and as said, hammering the mark didn't seem like it would be beneficial to future visits................Hope you all had a good weekend Danny

1 comment:

  1. Hola Danny,ese Konomo es letal en ese tipo de lugares,buena pesca y ademas entretenida,enhorabuena.
    Un Abrazo.
